Image Console
Change image settings here. Mode affects how images are stacked (pyramid = center image on top, horizontal = rightmost image on top) and whether the images are blended. Blend Margin determines how much of an image is transparent—10% would make the left and right tenths of an image transparent. Visible area determines how much of Sunset is visible at once. Larger values will squish images together in order to show more of Sunset simultaneously, smaller values will show fewer images more spaced out.
Exploring Ed Ruscha's Archive
In 1966, Ed Ruscha drove along the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. Using a motorized camera mounted on the back of a pickup truck, he methodically photographed all of the buildings on each side of the street. He assembled the photos in the artists' book Every Building on the Sunset Strip, which challenged how people thought about Los Angeles, art and photography.
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